To comply with the provisions of Article 22 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, services of the information society of e-commerce, we proceed to inform that this website uses cookies for the proper operation and to process information for the sole and exclusive purpose of improving both safety and functionality.

None of these cookies (not even that of Google Analytics) affects your privacy, to deal only data for statistical purposes and completely anonymous, so you need not seek your express consent.

However, please note that if you wish, you can disable cookies through your browser options, and even if Google Analitycs, you can use a plug-in developed by Google that is installed in your browser if you do not want be tracked” for their cookies: Complement Opt-out of Google Analytics. Also in the app stores of different web browsers are supplements that allow the removal or non-acceptance of cookies.

European legislation requires websites and means that the user accepts or objects to receive cookies.

In Spain, the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AGPD) is responsible for imposing penalties on companies that fail to meet this obligation.

Definition of cookies (Wikipedia)

A cookie (or computer cookie) is a small information sent by a website and stored on the user’s browser so that the website can view previous user activity.

Its main functions are:

  • You keep track of users: When a user enters their username and password, a cookie stored so you dont have to be introducing them to each page server. However, cookies do not identify only one person, but to a combination of computer-browser-user.
  • Get information about the user’s browsing habits, and attempted spyware (spyware), by advertising agencies and others. This may cause privacy and is one of the reasons that the cookies have their detractors.

Originally, they could only be stored for a CGI request from the server, but gave his speech Netscape Javascript capacity entered directly from the client without CGIs. Initially, due to browser bugs, this gave some security issues. Cookies can be deleted, blocked or accepted as desired to this should only be conveniently configure the web browser.

Notice: The use of cookies is necessary for correct operation of this Website, to benefit from the law.